Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Claire is "Officially" ours!

Today started with the wonderful breakfast buffet. Claire decided she liked the eggs, watermelon and banana muffins. It's pretty interesting though because she all but refuses to feed herself. I certainly don't mind putting food in her mouth, but I don't think she's ever had a reason or food to feed herself with. I finally got her to put a puff in her own mouth later in the day. We talked to family and friends on Skype and then went back to the Civil Affairs office to sign the paperwork making Claire officially ours. The paperwork was fast and dull compared to actually getting her yesterday. So now she ours in the eyes of the Chinese government. Yay!!

On the way back from the Civil Affairs office, we stopped by Carrefour which is a large, completely unairconditioned Wal-mart type store. It was hot!!! We purchased a few things there including water, Coke light (it will do, but is NOT the same) and sunscreen which I forgot to bring. While we were there, Claire came out of her shell a little! I danced with her to the music that was playing and she really like that. I tickled her and got a few smiles and giggles! I'm not sure if it was the shopping that put her in the right mood, but if it was, she'll fit right in with this family! We came back to the hotel and then went and ate lunch at Lucy's again! Emma has decided that Lucy's is her favorite place and she wants to eat every meal there. Then it was back to the hotel for a nap for Claire and Byron. Claire actually went to sleep in her crib without one peep! What an angel! She really fusses very little except when I leave the room. Emma and I went shopping for dresses while Byron and Claire napped. Fast forward to dinner (at Lucy's) where Emma had a breakdown and then fell asleep in her chair at the table! I guess I should have made her take a nap? We had been basically up since about 5:00am because of the jet lag, poor baby. She's really been a superstar about everything. Claire just went to bed in her crib without a whimper again! I hope that's a trend that lasts when we're back home. I'm holding my breath wondering if she'll sleep through the night again, I can only hope! I hope tomorrow will bring out more of Claire's personality. Her little smile is precious and I'll do my best to capture it in a picture for everyone at home.

Love and kisses to Benjamin and Katie! We miss you SO much!!


Donna said...

Claire has such a precious little face. I can't wait to see her in person. It sounds like everything is really going good I'm so glad. We will continue to pray that everyday Claire will have more of a peace that she is with her family forever. I get a big lump in my throat thinking about you guys in China getting your second baby girl. What a gift God has given you! TWICE!!! Miss you!!! MUCH LOVE

Unknown said...

What a face...Claire's and Emma's!!! I think we all have experienced a meltdown or two at Lucy's; consider it tradition!
Your family here seems to be doing wel. Miss K went right into her class yeasterday. Your mom and sister were doing th happy dance on their way to the mall. Just kidding, they actually seemed to be enjoying child-duty. Mr. B was proud to tell me abut Baby C on the ride home yesterday. He is already a proud big brother. enjoy your "vacation"!!!!

Unknown said...

ooops, i hit send before I hit spell check, sorry!

Julie Organ said...

I'm so glad that Claire is emerging. Can't wait to find our her true personality. Sarah and I are checking every morning as soon as we're up for new pics and info on Claire. She is very excited to see her and Emma in the pics. So glad everything is going well. Sarah loved the mashed potatoes at Lucy's. Ah, memories, right? Love, Julie

Mitzi said...

It is wonderful to see you have another beautiful angel for your family. Katie was so good yesterday she brought a picture to show all of us. Sheb kept saying I a big sister and this is Claire. Katie is so awesome and is doing great. She will be happy when you are all home. She left telling me she was going to get Ben from school. Your Mother and sister are such sweet ladies. Looking forward to meeting Claire who is just precious. God Bless your new family. Mitzi

Marni Sigmon said...

Congratulations! Claire is just beautiful and it sounds like Emma is the greatest big sister. Enjoy your time in GZ. While we were there, I became addicted to a really good minced pork dish at Lucy's, if you are not already tired of Chinese food!

sierrasmom said...

Kirsten, Ohhhhhh! She is beautiful. That picture of her sleeping is just precious. Enjoy every moment!!!!! Kathie