Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Not enough details....

Okay, so that was Byron posting and I told him he did not give enough details! So here's the rest for inquiring minds. Emma did super! She made faces at Claire and fed her Cheerios and in general is 4 going on 14! She's a little mommy delux! Claire did so well all things considered. She cried pretty hard when the Orphanage Director gave her to me. I tried toys and blankets and nothing was working so I just plopped a puff in her mouth since it was open anyway. She stopped immediately! She had apparently just had a bottle so she wasn't hungry, just loved them! She ate, and ate, and ate some more. For probably 20 minutes solid and she ate almost everything I brought. She was very quiet back in the hotel room and looked around and held a couple of toys although didn't really play. She started getting tearful again and walked around and rocked her until she fell asleep. That was about 5:15pm and she's still asleep! I think she was exhausted from her day and probably did not have a nap. Poor little thing!

Claire is super tiny! I think the 6-9 month clothes I brought will fit her just fine. In fact, there's another family in our group whose daughter is just a little older than Claire and she's about twice as big! Claire has a little runny nose and cough, too. But she's SO sweet! She's asleep on the bed right now, but I think we're going to try the crib. She's been sleeping very peacefully except for the occasional cough.

Benjamin and Katie, we can't wait for you to meet her!! Love to everyone at home, keep the prayers coming! They are being heard!!


Donna said...

I got up early to see if there was a post so I must have just missed it. She is so tiny! I cannot believe she's 18 months old. Now Emma will have someone to pass her tiny shoes to and you and Katie can share. I'm so excited for you guys and it sounds like it wasn't too terrible. We will keep praying for her to know in her little heart this is where she belongs. God is so faithful to go before us. Can't wait to see more pics and hear more about baby Clair! Much love!!!!

Unknown said...

YEEEAAAHHHH!!!!! I am about to see Miss. K and I will give her a picture I printed of you guys for her to have at school today! Will hug both your kids today!

Julie Organ said...

YAY!!! I'm so glad the handoff went well. Emma is a champ! We are so happy for you all!! We need a close up picture of Claire, they are all too far away. You're going to have a Princess Tiny Hiney too, just like Sarah!! God is so good! Can't wait to hear more!! Love, Julie

sierrasmom said...

Kirsten, I came home for lunch just to check your blog. She is so precious!!!!!!!!Did you notice that you are just GLOWING in the picture!!!!! I am so happy for you . Keep those pictures coming. We are still waiting but I have been in a better frame of mind. Don't stop praying for my LOA though.....I want it soon!!! Kathie

Getting Darsee Anne Green said...

HI Kirsten, claire is so beautiful! I know you are having such a great time. Just enjoy it and remember there is no breakfast buffet in your kitchen set up when you get home!! Love you and take care. Darra

Winnie said...

Congrats Kirsten! I am so excited for you guys! It sounds like everything went very well....isn't God good. I will continue to pray for you guys as you travel back and begin the adjustment of having a new little one in the family. Take care and snuggle her for me!

wendy said...

Oh tell Khristy I said Hi!!! I had totally forgotten that she was waiting... she has been waiting for so so so long.
