Saturday, September 27, 2008

Final Post from China!!!

Well, we have been here almost a full 2 weeks and what a whirlwind it has been! We've seen Claire go from very scared little girl that would stay whereever you set her to a fully mobile, very happy child that as decided it's OK to express her contrary wishes. It has been a joy.

It is Saturday afternoon and the remaining members of our travel group went home this morning. So we're having a wrap up day today. The hotel is very empty at the moment, as we are coming up on a national holiday in China that will slow things down for anyone in the adoption process.

Funny story from 2 nights ago. Kirsten ran into an American guy here at the hotel that had been given a business card for a Mexican restaurant in the middle of Guangzhou. We convinced another family to go with us, but we had to take 2 taxis and we only had one card with inexact directions there. By a miracle, we all made it there and found each other. Lo and behold it was a real hole-in-the-wall Mexican restaurant run by real Mexicans and it was very good food. For Kirsten's Hobby Lobby friends, we will sell you this information pretty cheap.

Yesterday was our swearing in ceremony at the US Consulate, in which we were asked if we were truthful in everything that we said during the adoption process, to which everyone in the room said that they were. What else are you going to say?

We have to leave the hotel at about 5:30 tomorrow morning. Please pray that we make both of our connections, especially the one in Detroit, as we only have about 1:45 minutes to pick up our luggage, go through customs (with one non-US citizen, at least until we get through customs), recheck bags and find another plane, likely in another terminal. If it all works, we are scheduled to arrive at 5:05 p.m. Sunday afternoon on Northwest Airlines flight 3714. Anyone that wants to join us at the airport is welcome.

Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers throughout the trip. We're coming to get you, Benjamin and Katie!


sierrasmom said...

Have a great journey home!! You will soon be seeing your other cuties!!!!

Julie Organ said...

Can't believe the time has finally come for you to be home with baby Claire-thought it would never get here. Bryan, Sarah and I wish we could be there when you get off the plane, as we remember how special that moment is. We will be there soon, and can't wait to see her and the rest of the family. Safe journey and here's the advice you gave me for our trip home-just because you give your child Benadryl for the plane ride home does not mean you're a bad parent!! Love, Love, Love you all, Julie

copperdog said...

So how has everything been going after 3 months together? Things are going really well here. I've managed to stay on top of our blog for the most part. Drop by and say 'Hi' sometime!

-Heather and Alayna