Monday, September 22, 2008

More than Halfway Home!

Kirsten posting today. We are so excited to be on the downhill!! We absolutely can't wait to introduce Claire to all our friends and family. She's a real hoot! Yesterday started out not especially fun, we went to the zoo. Generally, this should be a fun outing except we have a little bitty thing who loves to walk! You have to take about a 20 or 30 minute bus ride to the zoo and when you get there the standard operating procedure is to get the large golf carts and ride around to see the animals. Claire does not appreciate being contained for that amount of time. Yay for the long plane ride home! She did pretty good though and we were able to walk around a bit at the end. But, then it was back on the bus. And then on to traditional Chinese dumpling lunch. Ugh! Their high chairs had no fronts and no straps and, trust me, this girl would have lasted about 2 seconds before pooling to the floor. So I held her while she alternately tried to grasp everything on the table and whined and squirmed to get down. Not fun for either of us! I passed her to Byron and although she wasn't happy about it, she was better for him. Interesting, of course, we haven't disciplined her at all other than a "no" here and there, but she instinctively knows that he's the man and means business. She really is liking him better now and eats for him and even gives him kisses and goes to him willingly. Anyway, finally it was time to go back to the hotel for naps. She was exhausted and hungry, ate and passed out quickly. A side note is that Emma had to potty at the restaurant which was, of course, squatty potties. Fairly disgusting ones at that. She was a superstar, though, and did it with no trouble and no complaints. We opted out of the river cruise for dinner. Two hours of trying to keep Claire from going head first off of a boat didn't sound like fun to me!

Last night made me feel doubly blessed to have Claire. We must have had a new family move in next door to us because their little one had a horrible time going to sleep. It didn't really keep any of the others awake, thank goodness, but this little one wailed at the top of her lungs for quite some time. I mean, angry sobbing and screaming, not just the "I don't want to go to sleep" cries. I felt so bad for them and grateful for Claire who most of the time does not make a peep when we put her down. If she does, it's a fake little whine for about 5 seconds. Thank you Lord for all your blessings!!!

Today has been a pretty fun day, we went to the toy market this morning. There was so much to look at that Claire was content in her stroller the whole time. We came back and Ryan and is family came over to play with play dough, then we all went to Lucy's. While Ryan and Emma were playing, Claire was right there with them. She loves the activity! I broke out the crayons to see what she would do and she loved them!! She colored for probably 20 minutes! We think she might be left handed since that's the hand she mostly uses and it seems to be stronger than her right hand. She's been very happy today and funny. She's breaking out her fake cries, but I totally have her number. It's actually pretty funny. They usually happen when she wants to get down or up or needs her nap. She's blowing kisses today and playing peekaboo. It's so much fun. She's definitely a busy little girl and loves to go. I know she and Katie will be fast friends and probably double trouble! When she can tell we're getting ready to go, she goes to the door and usually grabs Emma's hand to go with her.

Emma is having a wonderful trip. In spite of Byron's posts lamenting about Ryan, he has been a huge blessing as a playmate for Emma. Emma loves her little sister and is so helpful. But, I've discovered that she is needing a nap everyday that we're here. She does okay without one, but is tired and sometimes tearful. I'm a little worried about her adjustment when we get back. She has to go to school (afternoon preschool) because of a new rule that preschoolers who miss more than 10 days may lose their spot in the program. So she can't stay home to take a nap, she has to go. She can definitely crash after school, but it may be alot for her to handle. Please pray that the Lord will bless Emma with no jet lag and energy to get her through her day.

Thank you for all the continued prayers and much love to everyone at home. Especially, Benjamin and Katie who we love and miss so much!!!! It's not too long now!!!


David and Shelly Cline said...

Does showing up at preschool with a friend and then being checked out after 30 minutes count for Monday!!!!!! I am willing to help! (I'm sure her teacher understands jetlag!) wont be at FW's Skype tonight...another night of Dave gone and a late ballgame. I am looking forward to seeing the live version and not Memorex on Sunday. It won't be long now!

sierrasmom said...

Hi Kirsten!!!!! Sounds like you are having a great time, but I know you're anxious to get home to your other cuties!! Thanks for your posts. We haven't heard anything but I'm secretly hoping for tomorrow. But I'm not getting my hopes up. Its tough but we are hanging in. The new pictures helped alot. I will show you the others when you get back. Have a safe journey home!!!